

Cancer Care

Dr Green on the philosophy
of Naturopathic Oncology


Why Nutrition & Hydration Matter

Eating well and staying hydrated helps your body stay strong during cancer treatment. Drinking lots of water decreases the chance of nausea, weakness, constipation and fatigue. Signs of dehydration include fatigue, dizziness, constipation, dry lips and skin, dark urine or less frequent urination, nausea/vomiting, confusion, rapid heartbeat.

What the research says
Nutrition’s impact on survival rates:

  • In a meta-analysis of 56 observational studies (N=1,784,404), adherence to Mediterranean Diet protective for overall cancer-related mortality as well as; breast, colorectal, gastric, prostate, liver, head and neck, pancreatic and lung cancer

  • In a large RCT, there was a 15% lower mortality from all causes after a breast cancer diagnosis among people following a diet low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables compared to those following their usual diet

  • In a RCT, increasing fruits, vegetables and grains while limiting fat to 20% of diet led to an 18% decrease in deaths after breast cancer diagnosis.

  • In the PREDIMED Randomized Controlled Trial/RCT, over 4000 post menopausal women were randomized to Mediterranean Diet with extra-virgin olive oil, Mediterranean Diet with mixed nuts, or low fat diet for 5 years. The Mediterranean Diet with extra virgin olive oil had a 68% lower risk of developing breast cancer than the low fat diet group. For both Mediterranean Diets together, there was a risk reduction of 51%

  • In an observational study of over 68,000 people in France, high frequency of organic food consumption was associated with a lower risk of cancer

  • Processed foods: Every 10% increase in processed food in the diet was associated with a 12% increase in the risk of cancer.  Processed foods are mass produced packaged goods, such as sodas, packaged sweet and savory snacks, instant noodles, chicken nuggets, and frozen meals

Ways to Accomplish 

  • Aim for a whole foods Mediterranean Diet rich in olive oil and daily colorful fruits and vegetables. Also aim to love and nourish yourself with healthy food choices. Exclude foods that don’t feel good in your body (everyone is unique!). You will need more protein than usual during chemotherapy so try to include lean protein at every meal. 


Why Movement Matters

What the research says

  • In a review, exercise in cancer patients was found to be highly effective for anxiety, depression, fatigue, quality of life, physical function, secondary lymphedema after breast cancer, urinary incontinence, and post-mastectomy pain syndrome in breast cancer. It may also have a beneficial effect on sleep quality, damage to the heart/cardiotoxicity, and brain function/cognition.

  • In a review of 36 trials, exercise was shown to improve cancer mortality, recurrence and treatment related side effects.

Moving your body may make chemotherapy more effective, reduces the risk of cancer recurring, can reduce some side effects of treatment and promotes health after diagnosis. Exercise improves energy, mood, sleep quality, bone density, balance, strengthens your heart and upregulates your immune system. It reduces anxiety, depression, stress, risk of blood clots, nausea and fatigue. There are no pills or foods that can do all of the amazing things that exercise does for our body. Finding physical activities that are joyful and fun are key!

Ways to Accomplish 

  • The goal is to do some movement  on most days or every other day, for a total of at least 150 minutes per week—building up over a few weeks if you’re not already close to this level. An exception is made for those with advanced illness, who may need to switch from aerobic exercise and to light resistance training such as resistance bands, isometrics or supervised weightlifting. The main goal is to maintain muscle mass during treatment.

  • 7 day free fitness kickstart program:

  • Massachusetts General Hospital free YouTube Exercise Videos for cancer Patients (9 videos with various levels)

  • If you have Medicare, the Silver Sneakers program partially or completely covers a gym membership for free

  • Local Michigan free 12 week exercise program for people with cancer

  • The YMCA in partnership with the LIVESTRONG Foundation, offers a 12 week small-group cancer survivorship program

  • Ideas for healthy movement include brisk walking or hiking, gardening, yard work, working out at a gym, dancing, cycling, running, swimming, skiing, or group aerobic activities such as yoga, tai chi, martial arts, zumba, active sports such as tennis, pickleball, basketball or soccer. 

Stress & Sleep Supports

Why Sleep & Stress Management Matter

Sleep is the time when your body repairs all of the wear and tear of daytime activities and when your immune system is especially active. Our nervous system, which can be either in fight or flight, or in rest/digest/repair mode, needs 7-10 hours of sleep in order to dive deeply into rest/digest/repair mode. Protecting and restoring regular sleep patterns helps to improve our ability to cope, our energy, our cognitive function, and our immune system.

Ways to Accomplish 

  • Sleep hygiene includes having an alarm to get off of screens 30 minutes or more before bedtime, keeping work out of the bedroom space so that the bed is reserved for sleep activities, charging phones outside of the bedroom, and sleeping in a completely dark room to optimize melatonin levels.

  • Guided Imagery for sleep

  • Inhaled lavender essential oil reduces anxiety and helps improve sleep quality during chemotherapy and before cancer surgery.

  • Handout: Managing Mindsets in Cancer

  • Handout: Stress Management for Thrivers

  • Handout: Sleep & Anxiety Supports for Cancer

  • Managing Mindsets Organic Aromatherapy Gift Set *

    * In order to access Dr Green’s protocols, you will need to create a free account with which is a trusted online dispensary where you will enjoy 15% off.

For additional informational resources visit Cancer Choices


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