Gifts of Time
All free or under $20
Kindness costs nothing, but means everything
Offer to visit your loved one with a reminder to them that you are totally happy with last minute cancellations because you support whatever they need in the moment
If they have children, take their kids out for a special date (an energetic adventure is especially helpful)
Help with driving to treatment, driving kids or caring for a pet
Drop off food - especially groceries rather than meals if someone has food allergies/restrictions
Offer to take them to a medical visit and take notes
Organize a prayer circle for your loved one
Be a good listener
Research local free integrative services either through hospitals or local charities
Zoom session to do read inspiring poetry to them, do art together or discuss other things than cancer
Homemade gifts of Love
Sticky notes with encouraging words for them to put up in their home
Make a digital photo album or memory book of cherished memories to lift their spirits
Journal from dollar store decorated by you in a way that suits your loved one
Decorate a water bottle for them to take to treatment (tape photos with clear gorilla tape, add stickers etc)
Gathered wildflowers in a vase
Second hand books that you think they’ll like (think fluffy/light for during chemo)
Homemade Oat Milk baths to soothe irritated, itchy skin during chemotherapy or radiation.
- Blend 4 cups oats into a fine powder in the blender
- Fill little cloth pouches (jewelry bag sized) with ¼ cup or more of powdered oats. You can add a few drops lavender if your loved one likes lavender baths (lavender is also great for itching)
A square for each day of radiation….
Concept & art by Tamar Kagan
Spotify Uplift and Inspire Cancer Mix
(modify or make your own)